

  1. 答:There are some differences between China education and Western education. First in our country children are demanded to study many subjects from a young age . And they are often forced to accept their parents' opinions about education. While in western countries, children are taught in a natural environment and they can learn some life skills from their environment . But they don't need to finish any work by their parents. instead, they can develop interest of their own. They have more chances to take some activities and develop their character. But they can not learn so much basic knowledge as Chinese children.
  1. 答:The education system in the west is different. It involves the text book, but many times, the students have to do research to answer some of the problems left by the teacher. THey would also be given assignments that can last over a few week to work on. In their exams, the test papers are created as a challenge for every student, so theoreatically, no one is supposed to be able to achieve 100 percent.
  1. 答:中国课堂一个疯子在上面跳大神,一群傻子在下面见周衡笑困公。
  2. 答:美国课堂上学生比较自由,你想干什么知猜袭干什么,美国课堂是以学生为兆碧主
  3. 答:中国就是 机械室教育 当然咐并神 这是中国自蔽银古以衡亏来的教育体制
    美国的话 就有点因材施教的原因了 学生不限制学生太多
